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Eil Goli ( Shah Goli Pool )

El-Gölü (Azerbaijani: Él-Gölü, and Persian: ایل گلی) is the name of a large park in Tabriz, Iran. Early history of the El-Gölü is not clear. However, it seems that it was used as a water resource for

agricultural purposes.It was used as a summer palace during the Qajar dynasty (when Tabriz was the official residence of Prince of Iran). It contains a palace that is surrounded by a great square water pool almost 12 meters deep. During 2nd Pahlavi's it was reconstructed.
After the Iranian Revolution of 1979 as normal process for that period for removing Shah name from everywhere the name of Shah-Gölü was changed to El-Gölü in official documents.
This garden with its huge pool & the restaurant in its middle, gives you the opportunity to meet locals and breath fresh air while enjoying the green atmosphere around. If you are lucky you may see boat riders who circle around the pool with a drummer whose music takes you to the ancient times! but for this you must go in the morning.
Reference: wikipedia.org



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